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Great Hall
Duration: 45 min.
Yuri Sikalo by Charles Perrault
Language - Ukrainian

Madam and monsieur! You are welcome to visit our theater. We will impress you with French chic and charm by telling a story about the most famous cat around the world. You were not mistaken, it’s about the Puss in Boots.

This wonderful fairy-tale was created by a famous French author Charles Perrault, who wrote tales not only for children, but ... for adults (yes, yes - do not be surprised, monsieur!).

Great Hall
Duration: 80 min.
Yevhen Ogorodniy
Language - Ukrainian

Which one of us did not want to grow up as soon as possible during childhood, become independent so as not to listen to the comments of adults and stop following their constant advice and guidance. And eventually this desire was fulfilled - you have grown up.