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Actress, puppeteer, leading master of the stage

Graduated from Kharkiv National I.P.Kotlyarevsky University of Arts (2000). Has been in our theater since 2003. Actress of a comedic genre. Represented the theater at the XV International Festival of Puppet theaters "Interlyalka" (Uzhhorod, October 2015), the Third International Theater Festival in Merzifon (Turkey, March 2017), II Puppet Week of the Asia-Pacific Region in Nanchang (China, June 2017) with the "Swan-Geese" performance, and the Kyiv International Festival of Puppet theaters «pUPpet!» (Kiev, October 2017) with the "How Goose died" performance.
At the XV International Festival of Puppet theaters "Interlyalka" (Uzhhorod, October 2015), the actress won in the "Best female role" nomination.