

Duration: 45 min.
Marina Bogomaz
Language - no words

Visual tactile play "Kalyaki-malyaki" - an extraordinary performance for extraordinary spectators - for those who are still in diapers, who only make first steps in learning this bright world, who has a lot of questions. For example, where the rainbow comes from? Who draws it on the sky? Let's try to answer all those questions together. How can we do this? Very simple - by playing, touching, crawling, jumping, painting and creating a fairy tale in which the main characters will be you along with your child.

Duration: 50 min.
Boris Zakhoder by G.-H. Andersen
Language - Ukrainian

Once again, our theater offers you a great story of the prominent Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen. This time the events will unfold around the tiniest heroine throughout the whole world's literature - Thumbelina.

This fairy tale is told to the viewer by the author himself. At the very beginning of the play, he honestly admits that he heard this story from a Martlet…

This story begins with a birth of a tiny little girl named Thumbelina. Weightless butterflies bring her a lot of colorful gifts. They wish her happiness… But what is happiness, exactly?